Lista de lucrări - Ciprian Comșa



                                                                            Octombrie, 2016 Research ID Google Scholar Research gate Scopus IEEE Academia
Articole în reviste și în volumele unor manifestǎri științifice Link-uri
2016.1. A Abunei, CR Comsa, I Bogdan, "Implementation of a Cost-effective V2X hardware and software platform," in the Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Communications (COMM2016), Bucharest, June 2016, pages: 367 - 370, DOI: 10.1109/ICComm.2016.7528312
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2015.1. A Abunei, CR Comsa, I Bogdan, "RSS improvement in VANETs by auxilliary transmission at 700 MHz," in the Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS2015), Iasi, July 2015, pages: 1 - 4, DOI: 10.1109/ISSCS.2015.7203998
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2013.1. C.R. Comsa, "Array Processing for Passive Localization of a Source in the Near Field", in the Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS2013), Iasi, July 2013, pages: 1 - 4, DOI: 10.1109/ISSCS.2013.6651187
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2012.1. C. R. Comsa, A. M. Haimovich, “Performance Bound for Time Delay and Amplitude Estimation from Low Rate Samples of Pulse Trains,” presented at the 20th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 27-31, 2012.
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2011.1. C. R. Comsa, A. M. Haimovich, S. Schwartz, Y. H. Dobyns, and J. A. Dabin, “Source Localization using Time Difference of Arrival within a Sparse Representation Framework,” presented at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2011, May 22-27, Prague, Czech Republic.
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2011.2. C. R. Comsa, A. M. Haimovich, S. Schwartz, Y. H. Dobyns, and J. A. Dabin, “Time Difference of Arrival Based Source Localization within a Sparse Representation Framework,” presented at the 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2011, March 23-25, Baltimore, MD, USA. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2007.1. C. R. Comsa, J. Luo, A. M. Haimovich, and S. Schwartz, “Wireless Localization using Time Difference of Arrival in Narrow-Band Multipath Systems,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2007, vol. 2, pp. 469 - 472,  Iaşi, Romania, 12-13 July 2007.
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2005.1. C. R. Comsa and I. Bogdan, “Simulation model for WLAN and GSM interoperating,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2005, vol. 1, pp. 271 - 274, Iaşi, Romania, 14-15 July 2005.
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2005.2. P. Cotae, C. R. Comsa, and I. Bogdan, “On the Stackelberg equilibrium of total weighted squared correlation in synchronous DS-CDMA systems: theoretical framework,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2005, vol. 2, pp. 665 - 668, Iaşi, Romania, 14-15 July 2005.
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2005.3. P. Cotae, C. R. Comsa, and I. Bogdan, “On the Stackelberg equilibrium of total weighted squared correlation in synchronous DS-CDMA systems: algorithm and numerical results,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2005, vol. 2, pp. 669 - 672, Iaşi, Romania, 14-15 July 2005.
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2004.1. D. Burdia, R. G. Bozomitu, and C. R. Comsa, “Some aspects on modeling and characterization of deep submicrometer CMOS gates driving lossless transmission lines,” in the Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology: Meeting the Challenges of Electronics Technology Progress, ISSE 2004, vol. 2, pp. 184 – 190, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-16 May 2004.
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2003.1. C. R. Comsa and I. Bogdan, “System level design of baseband OFDM for wireless LAN,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, SCS 2003, vol. 1, pp. 313 – 316, Iaşi, Romania, 10-11 July 2003.
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2003.2. I. Bogdan and C. R. Comsa, “Analysis of circular arrays as smart antennas for cellular networks,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE  International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, SCS 2003, vol. 2, pp. 525 – 528, Iaşi, Romania, 10-11 July 2003.
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2004.5. D. Burdia, C. R. Comsa, and C. Ionascu, “Short-circuit power evaluation of deep submicrometer CMOS gates driving lossless transmission lines,” in the Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1, 2004, pp. 178-183. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2004.4. D. F. Chiper and C. R. Comsa, “An efficient linear systolic array architecture for a memory-based VLSI implementation of Type III generalized Hartley transform,” in the Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 1, 2004. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2004.3. C. R. Comsa, D. Burdia, and D. F. Chiper, “Implementation of an OFDM synchronizer,” in the Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 2, 2004, pp. 382-384. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2004.2. R. Comsa, F. S. Beldianu, and P. Cotae, “Windowing Techniques for OFDM Systems,” in the Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tom 49(63), Fascicola 2, 2004, pp. 386-388. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2003.3. C. R. Comsa and G. Grigore, “FIR Filters Implementation Approaches,” in the Scientific Bulletin of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania, Transactions on Electrotechnics, Energetics and Electronics, Tom XLIX (LIII), Fasc. 3-4, 2003. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2003.4. C. R. Comşa and I. Bogdan, “OFDM, Tehnică de Transmisie cu Codare a Datelor,” în revista “Telecomunicaţii”, București, Romania, year XXX / no. 2/2003, pp. 30-38. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2001.1. C. R. Comşa and I. Bogdan, “Bluetooth, prezent și perspective,” în revista “Telecomunicaţii”, București, Romania, no 2/2001, pp. 62-86. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2005.4. I. Bogdan and C. R. Comsa, “Dual GSM/WLAN Mobile terminal Modelling,” in the Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy, Series IV, Tome XXVII, 2004;
Also presented at the Anniversary Symposium “Gr. C. Moisil” SASM’05, organized by the Romanian Academy - Iaşi Branch, Iaşi, Romania, 5 - 7 May, 2005.
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2002.1. C. R. Comsa, I. E. Alecsandrescu, I. Bogdan, and A. Maiorescu, “Simulation Model for Mobile Radio Channels,” in the Proceedings (on CD-ROM) of the  European Conference on Intelligent Technologies ECIT2002, Iaşi, Romania, 17-20 July 2002. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
Alte publicații sau prezentări Link-uri
2002.2 C. R. Comşa, “Bluetooth: O Tehnologie Fără Concurență” în revista “Comunicaţii Mobile”, București, Romania, no. 2/2002 pp. 38-39 Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
2011.3 C. R. Comsa, A. M. Haimovich, S. Schwartz, Y. H. Dobyns, and J. A. Dabin, “Source Localization using Time Difference of Arrival within a Sparse Representation Framework,” presented at the Dana Knox Student Research Showcase at NJIT, April 6, 2011. Local01 Local02 Local03 Extern01 Extern02 Extern03
Cărți Link-uri
Source Localization via Time Difference of Arrival, Ciprian Comșa, ISBN: 978-606-13-3394-3, 117 pagini B5, Editura PIM, 2016, Iași. reeditare a: Source localization via time difference of arrival, Ciprian Comșa, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012, ISBN 9781321628227       Extern01    
  Comunicații Digitale, Ciprian Comșa, ISBN: 978-606-13-3393-6, 160 pagini A4, Editura PIM, 2016, Iaşi.       Extern01    
Reţele WLAN - OFDM şi legătura de date, Ciprian Comșa, ISBN: 978-606-13-3424-7, 145 pagini A4, Editura PIM, 2016, Iaşi.       Extern01    
  Comunicații Mobile - Îndrumar de laborator, Ciprian Comșa, Ion Bogdan, ISBN: 978-606-13-3425-4, 78 pagini A4, Editura PIM, 2016, Iaşi.
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Ultima modificare: 31-Oct-16