12th Edition - Iasi ROMANIA

Education, Research, Development and Manufacturing

of Electronic Packages

September 21-24, Iasi, Romania






Call for papers


Steering Committee










                               Papers are due by August 25, 2006.

The instructions file below offers you guidelines for preparing camera-ready papers for SIITME 2006 volume. It provides an example of the text size, format and column specifications.

                Preparation of Your Paper in Camera Ready.doc


Please send us scanned version of yours papers copyright form:

                                             IEEE Copyright.doc

In addition, send the registration form by fax until August 25, 2006:

                                         Registration form.doc

For Oral Sessions:

Prepare a 15 minutes PowerPoint presentation with no format restrictions.

For Poster Sessions:

The exhibition panels measure 900 × 1200 mm (if necessary, extra space can be made available).


Ministry of Education and Research


Romanian Association for Electronics Industry and Software


Association for Promoting Electronic Technology


IEEE Romania Section

© 2005 Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications Iasi