Universitatea Tehnică "Gh.Asachi" Iaşi  

Lucrări publicate

Facultatea de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii  


Discipline predate

Domenii de interes

Domenii de cercetare

Lucrari publicate





Vlad Cehan

profesor doctor inginer




     Cărţi tipărite în edituri centrale


1.      V. Cătuneanu, V. Cehan ş.a., “Tehnologie electronică”, 293 pg., Ed. Did. şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1981


2.      V. Cătuneanu, P. Svasta, V. Cehan ş.a., “Tehnologie electronică” 339 pg.


3.      V. Cehan , “Bazele radioemiţătoarelor” 299 pg., Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 1997, ISBN 973 9254-39-X


4.      V. Cehan, T. Goraş, “Introducere în tehnologia subansamblelor electronice” 121 pg.

Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 1997, ISBN 973-9254-72-1


5.      V. Cehan, R. G. Bozomitu, “Bazele Radioemisiei - Îndrumar de laborator”, 269 pag

Ed. Ştef, 2002, ISBN 973-85012-1-0


6.      V. Cehan, ”Radiocomunicaţii digitale, vol I – Radiocomunicaţii”, 150 pag. Ed. Stef, Iaşi, 2006, ISBN 973-8961-43-2



     Cărţi editate pe plan local


1.      V. Cehan, M. Albuleţ, “Tehnologie electronică - Îndrumar de laborator”, 99 pg. Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi, 1996


2.      V. Cehan, M. Albuleţ, “Tehnologie electronică - Îndrumar de proiectare”, 59 pg. Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi, 1996



     Publicaţii în reviste


1.      V. Cehan, E. Neagu, Gh. Antoniu, "Sur les propriétés diélectriques de quelques produits polyésteriques", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, tome XVII(XXI), fasc. 1-2, 1971


2.      V. Cehan, P. Petrariu, E. Luca, "Contribution à l'étude des propriétés électriques de certains couches minces de sulfure d'Argent (Ag2S) déposées par voie chimique", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, tome XVII(XXII), fasc. 1-2, 1972


3.      O. Scutaru, V. Cehan, “Sur quelques propriétés des couches minces polymeriques obtenues en impulsion initiale", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, tomee XIX(XXIII), fasc. 3-4, 1973


4.      G. Marin, A. Haimovici, V. Cehan, “Periodontomeetru electronic - mijloc obiectiv de apreciere a mobilităţii dentare”, Revista medico-chirurgicală a Societăţii de medici şi naturalişti din Iaşi, anul LXXXII, aprilie-iunie 1979, Nr. 2, pp. 301-306


5.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “On Transient Envelope Distortions in Simultaneous AM Audio and FM of the RF Carrier Data Transmission”, Buletinul Institutului Politehic din Iaşi - secţia III - Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, tome XLIV (XLVIII), fasc. 3-4, 1998


6.      V. Cehan, “Computer Aided Design Systems for Printed Circuit Board Need Human Help”, Buletinul Institutului Politehic din Iaşi - secţia III - Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, tome XLIV (XLVIII), fasc. 3-4, 1998


7.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru,  “Overcoming Difficulties in Data Transmission Using AM Radio Transmitters with PSK Modulation of the Carrier - Part I: Simple Cases”, The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - Electrical Section, No. 8, 1997

8.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “Overcoming Difficulties in Data Transmission Using AM Radio Transmitters with PSK Modulation of the Carrier - Part II: A Real Case”, The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava - Electrical Section, No. 8, 1997


9.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “Some Methods for Superimposing Data on Amplitude Modulated Signals”, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 38, Number 2, pp. 16-21 Cluj 1998


10.  V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “Analysis of RF Signal Envelope Distortions in AM Radio Receivers in Combined AM Audio and FM Data Transmission”, Acta Technica Napocensis, vol. 38, Number 1, 1998, pp. 20-25, Cluj 1998


11.  N.D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “An Complete Investigation of Spectral Properties of Some Alphabetic Codes”, Buletinul Institutului Politehic din Iaşi - secţia III - Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, tome XLIV (XLVIII), fasc. 1-2, 1999


12.  V. Cehan, Radu Bozomitu, “An Improved Controlled Current Source for Charging Batteries”, Buletinul Institutului Politehic din Iaşi - secţia III - Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, tome XLIV (XLVIII), fasc. 1-2, 1999


13.  V. Cehan, R. Bozomitu, L. Goras, “Analysis of the Stability of KHN Biquad, Created by Integrators in Opamp, Ota and Ora Topologies”, Scientific Records of the Romanian Academy, tome XXIII, 2001, pp. 326-336


14.  R. Bozomitu, L. Goras, V. Cehan, “Design of KHN Biquad”, Scientific Records of the Romanian Academy, tome XXIII, 2001, pp. 337-342


15.  Casian-Botez, V. Cehan, “Derivation of Equivalent Schemes Based on Electromagnetic Simulation of Passive Microwave Devices”, Scientific Records of the Romanian Academy, tome XXIII, 2000, pp. 337-342


16.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Dănuţ Burdia, Vlad Cehan, “Study on “Tanh” Ideal and Lossy ELIN Integrators”, Annual School Lectures, International Journal devoted to research and technological solutions in the Field of Semiconductor – and Hybrid technologies, Ed. in Chief, Ph. Philippov, TU-Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol. 24, ISSN 0861-0797, pp. 177-183, Proc. of The 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8422-9, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 13-16, 2004;



     Publicaţii în lucrările conferinţelor şi simpozioanelor internaţionale


1.      V. Cehan, “On using microprocessors to generate and demodulate FSK signals”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Application Systems (D & A S) Suceava, May 1992, No. 1, pp. 21-26


2.      V. Cehan, “Logarithmic Converter Based on Capacitor Discharge”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Application Systems (D & A S), Suceava 26-28 May 1994, No. 4, pp. 55-60


3.      V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, A. Boariu, “Using AM Radio Transmitters for Data Communications”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iaşi, October 19-21, 1995, pp. 237-240


4.      V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, A. Boariu, “Using Existing AM Radio Transmitters for Data Transmission on a Harmonic Subcarrier”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iaşi, October 19-21, 1995, pp. 2241-244


5.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan,A. Boariu, “About RF Signal Envelope Distortions in Data Transmission on a Harmonic Subcarrier Using AM Radio Transmitters”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iaşi, October 19-21, 1995, pp. 241-244


6.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, A. Boariu, “An Investigation of Data Transmission Capabilities Using AM Broadcasting Radio Transmitters”, International Conference on Telecommunications ITC’96, Istanbul, 14-17 April 1996, vol. I, pp. 349-352


7.      Boariu, V, Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “The AM Detection Analysis of an AM-PM Modulated Signal Assuming a Jump Variation of Carrier Frequency, Part 1: The Transient Response”, International Conference on Telecommunications ITC’96, Istanbul, 14-17 April 1996, vol. II, pp. 917-920


8.      V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, M Albuleţ, “Overcoming Difficulties in Data Transmission Using AM Radio Transmitters with PSK Modulation of the Carrier - Part I (BPF Tuned on Input Frequency)”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Application Systems (D & A S), Suceava, 23-25 May 1996, no. 4, pp. 19-26


9.      V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, M Albuleţ, “Overcoming Difficulties in Data Transmission Using AM Radio Transmitters with PSK Modulation of the Carrier - Part II (BPF Tuned on Offset Frequencies)”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Application Systems (D & A S), Suceava, 23-25 May 1996, no. 4, pp. 27-32


10.  D.N. Alexandru, L. Găleată, C. Giurgiu, V. Cehan,”An investigation of Spectral Properties for a Particular Class of CSK Signals”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Development and Application Systems (D & A S), Suceava 23-25 May 1996, no. 4, pp. 3-6


11.  L. Găleată, D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “An Approximate Method for Computing the Power Spectral Density of Digital Phase-Modulated Signals”, Procedings of the International Conference on Developement and Application Systems (D & A S), Suceava 23-25 May 1996, no. 4, pp. 39-44


12.  S. Radu, M. Albuleţ, V. Cehan, “The Transient Response of the Plan-Parallel Shield”, Thirteenth International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, June 25-28, 1996, pp. 566-570


13.  N. D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Găleată, V. V. Toderica, "A New Family Of Constant Envelope CSK Signals", Buletinul Stiintific al Univ."Politehnica" din Timisoara, Proc. of the Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, Timisoara, Sept. 26-27, 1996, vol.II, pp.41-46.


14.  N.D, Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Galeata, "Differential Coherent Detection of Generalized SFSK Signals", IEEE International Symposium on Communications'96, Nov.27-29, 1996, Bucharest, Romania, pp.291-296.


15.  V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, A. Al-Sliahat, “Overruling Transient Distortions of the Envelope in Simultaneous FM Data and AM Audio Radio Transmissions”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iaşi, October 2-3, 1997, vol. 1, pp. 292-295


16.  D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Scripcariu, M. Paliciuc, C. Tănase, “An Optimisation of the TSFSK Signal”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iaşi, October 2-3, 1997, vol. 2, pp. 484-487


17.  E. Coca, V. Cehan, D. Alexa, “Power Transformers Circuit Breakers Commutation Process Recording Using a Compact Disturbance Recorder”, Proceedings of the Second International Power Systems Conference, Timişoara, November 20-21 1997, vol. 2, pp. 31-33


18.  E. Coca, D. Alexa, V.Cehan, “Electronic Device for Detecting and Signalling the Earth Faults in Direct Current Circuits of Power Stations”, Proceedings of the Second International Power Systems Conference, Timişoara, November 20-21 1997, vol. 2, pp. 93-96


19.  V. Cehan,CAD Systems Needs Human Helpers”, Proceedings of “The 3rd International Seminar for Informatics and Technologies in the Domain of Electronic Modules” SIITME ’97, 22-23 October 1997, Bucharest, Romania, pp.29-32


20.  V. Cehan, R. Bozomitu, “Design of Transmission Line Transformers”, The 4-th International Symposium for Informatics and Technology in Electronic Modules Domain – SIITME’98, September 22-24 1998, Bucharest, Conference Proceedings, Part II, pp. 220-223


21.  V. Cehan, N. D. Alexandru, R. Bozomitu, “On Data Transmission Using AM Radio Transmitters with Frequency Modulation of the Carrier”, Proceedings of the International Conference "Development and Application Systems", Suceava, 21-23 May 1998, number 10, p. 17-20.


22.  N. D. Alexandru, L. Scripcariu, V. Cehan, O. Butnaru, C. Lungu, "On Some DC-Constrained Line Codes for ADSL Use", International Conference COMMUNICATIONS'98, Nov.19-20, 1998, Bucharest, Romania, pp.211-214.


23.  N. D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, "A Complete Spectral Characterisation of mB1C Codes", Proceedings of the International Conference "Development and Application Systems", Suceava, 21-23 May 1998, number 10, p. 1-4.


24.  P. Svasta, D. Pitică, V. Cehan, E. Sofron, “Interconnecting Technologies by Surface Mounting of Electronic Devices-SMT. Innovatory Education Program in Colleges”, The 5-th International Symposium for Informatics and Technology in Electronic Modules Domain – SIITME’99, September 23-26 1999, Bucharest, Conference Proceedings, pp. 16-21


25.  N. D. Alexandru, C. Davideanu, V. Cehan, L. Păncescu, "A Thorough Investigation of the Spectra of A Class of RLL MLT3 CODES", International Conference Controlo'2000, October 4-6, Guimaraes Portugal, p.465-469.


26.  N.D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Păncescu, "Calculating the Autocorrelation Function for mB-nB Codes", First IEEE Balkan Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Circuits and Systems, June 2-3, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey


27.  N.D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Păncescu, "An Evaluation of Spectral Properties for Some Minimum-Bandwidth Line Codes", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Development and Application Systems", 18-20 May 2000, Suceava, Romania, p.248-251.


28.  N.D. Alexandru, L. Scripcariu, V. Cehan, C. Giurgiu, "A Generalization of Q2PSK Signals", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Development and Application Systems", 18-20 May 2000, Suceava, Romania, p.241-247.


29.  N.D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, L. Păncescu, "An Extended Method for Calculating  the Autocorrelation Function for 1I-2O Codes based on Entry and Departure Matrices", Proceedings of the International Conference "Communications’2000", 7-9 December 2000 Bucharest, Romania, p.55-58.


30.  N.D. Alexandru, L. Păncescu, V. Cehan, “A Survey of Block Line Codes with Spectral Nulls Generated by Multirate Digital Filters”, SCS'99, Intern. Symposium "Signals, Circuits & Systems", July. 6-7, 1999, Iasi, Romania, p.307-310.


31.  N. D Alexandru, C. Davideanu, V. Cehan, L. Scripcariu, L. Păncescu, “On a Class of Continuous Pulse Shapes”, ICT'98 International Conference on Telecommunications, Porto Carras, Greece, 21-25 June 1998, vol.I, p. 208-212.


32.  L. Goras, T. Goras, V. Cehan, R. Ghinea, “On Linear Inductance – Time Conversion”, Proc. of “The 6rd International Symposium for Informatics and Technologies in the Domain of Electronic Modules” SIITME 2000, Sept. 21-24 1998, Bucharest, Romania, pp.149-153


33.  R. Bozomitu, V. Cehan, R. Ghinea, L. Goras, “Analysis of the Stability of KHN Biquad  Created by Integrators in Opamp, OTA and ORA Electronic Modules”, European Conference on Intelligent Systems & Romanian Symposium on Computer Science 25-27 September 2000, Iasi, Romania (CD-ROM)


34.  V. Cehan, R. Bozomitu, L. Goras, “Analysis of the Stability of KHN Biquad, Created by Integrators in Opamp, Ota and Ora Topologies”, European Conference On Intelligent Systems & Romanian Symposium on Computer Science, Iasi, Romania 25-27 September 2000 (4 Pages on CD)


35.  R. Bozomitu, L. Goras, V. Cehan, “Design of KHN Biquad”, European Conference On Intelligent Systems & Romanian Symposium On Computer Science, Iasi, Romania 25-27 September 2000 (4 Pages On Cd)


36.  R. Bozomitu, V. Cehan, T. Goraş, “A tunable Gm-C filter with enhancement of linearity”, The 7th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, Bucharest, September 2001


37.  R. Bozomitu, V. Cehan, “OTA with output signal DC level independent of polarization”, The 7th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, Bucharest, September 2001


38.  V. Cehan, R. Bozomitu, T. Goraş, “Using bipolar transistor as a controlled resistor”, The 7th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, Bucharest, September 2001


39.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Liviu Goraş, Vlad Cehan, “A New ELIN Lossy Integrator with Instantaneous Arcsinh Companding”, in Proc. of The 26th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, pp. 35-40, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, May 08-11, 2003;


40.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Liviu Goraş, Vlad Cehan, “New Linearized Current Mode Lossy Integrators in Bipolar Technology”, in Proc. of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 593-596, Iaşi, Romania, July 10-11, 2003;


41.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan, Liviu Goraş, “Noise Behavior of Current-Mode and Voltage-Mode Gm-C FLF Structures”, in Proc. of The 9th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging, pp. 161-165, Timişoara, September 18-21, 2003;


42.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Dănuţ Burdia, Vlad Cehan, “Study of “Tanh” Ideal and Lossy ELIN Integrators”, in Proc. of The 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2004, 13-16 May 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria;


43.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan, Liviu Goraş, “The Implementing of Nonlinear Mathematical Functions using Log-domain Circuits”, in Proc. of The 7th International Conference on Development and Application Systems DAS 2004, pp. 131-136, Suceava, May 27-29, 2004;


44.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Liviu Goraş, Vlad Cehan, “Linear Gm-C FLF Filters with CCII Transconductors”, in Proc. of Communications 2004, ATM, Bucureşti, June 3-5, 2004.


45.  D. Ionescu, V. Cehan, „Composed material studies with microwave simulation methods”, in Proc. of The 9th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging, pp. 41-45, Timişoara, September 18-21, 2003


46.  D. Ionescu, V. Cehan, „Experimental signal shapes for coupled transmission lines”, in Proc. of The 26th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, pp. 80 - 84, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, May 08-11, 2003


47.  D. Ionescu, V. Cehan, „High frequency simulation method for study of PCB dielectric substrate samples”, in Proc. of The 26th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, pp. 74 - 79, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, May 08-11, 2003


48.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Dănuţ Burdia, Vlad Cehan, “Study of “Tanh” Ideal and Lossy ELIN Integrators”, in Proc. of The 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2004, 13-16 May 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria;


49.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan, Liviu Goraş, “The Implementing of Nonlinear Mathematical Functions using Log-domain Circuits”, in Proc. of The 7th International Conference on Development and Application Systems DAS 2004, pp. 131-136, Suceava, May 27-29, 2004;


50.  Vlad Cehan, R. G. Bozomitu, D. Ionescu "Noise Behaviour of Elementary Transconductors Stages in Bipolar and CMOS Technology", in Abstract of Proceedings of The 28th International Spring Seminar on Electronic Technology ISSE 2005, pp. 56-57 and CD Proceedengs of ISSE 2005, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, May 19 – 22, 2005-11-23


51.  Vlad Cehan "Current Problems and Futures Strategies in Electromagnetic Compatibility" in The Second Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp. 84 – 89, Technical University Cluj-Napoca, September 22 – 23, 2005


52.  Vlad Cehan, D. Ionescu "A New Equipment for Reclosers Remote Control in the Electricity Distribution Stations", in Pro. of The 11th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging SIITME 2005, pp. 31 - 50, Cluj-Napoca, September 22 – 25, 2005


53.  D. Ionescu, R. G. Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan "Study of the Superficial Currents Distribution in the Proximity of Field Modelling Structures, in Microwave Range", in Pro. of The 11th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging SIITME 2005, pp. 9 - 13, Cluj-Napoca, September 22 – 25, 2005


54.  R. G. Bozomitu, D. Ionescu, Vlad Cehan "Improvement of Gilbert Cell's Dynamic Range by Predistorsion of Input Signals", in Pro. of The 11th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging SIITME 2005, pp. 41 - 45, Cluj-Napoca, September 22 – 25, 2005.


55.  R. G. Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan “A New Fully Balanced Differential OTA with Common-Mode Feedback Detector” in Pro. of The 12th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packaging SIITME 2006, pp. 178 - 182, Iaşi, September 21 – 24, 2006


56.  Vlad Cehan, Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Maricel Popa, „Using Radio Communications in a System for Communicating with
      Severely Neuro-Locomotor Disabled People”, in Proc. of International Symposium for Design and Technology of
      Electronic Packaging – SIITME 2007, ISSN 1843-5122, pp. 60-64, Baia Mare, Romania, September 20-23, 2007;

57.  H. Costin, V. Cehan, Cr. Rotariu, I. Poeata, Al. Chiriac, C. Costin, “TELPROT - Communication System With Persons Having A Major Neuro - Locomotor Handicap”, National Symposium With International Participation - E-Health And Bioengineering - EHB 2007, IAŞI, 16-17th NOVEMBER, 2007;


58.  Cr. Rotariu, V. Cehan, R. Lupu, H. Costin, B. Dionisie, “An Ultra Low Power Monitoring Device For Telemedicine”, National Symposium With International Participation - E-Health And Bioengineering - EHB 2007, IAŞI, 16-17th NOVEMBER, 2007;


59.  Anca Cehan, Irina Radinschi, Vlad Cehan, “Scientific Perspective for Future Research Work in Communication Systems for People with Neuromuscular Disability”, International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE 2007, Coimbra, Portugal, September 3 – 7, 2007;


60.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan, „A BiCMOS Implementation of 2nd Order Current Mode ELIN Filters Using the “Tanh” Mapping”, in Proc. of The 30th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE 2007), ISBN 978-973-713-174-4, pp. 74-75, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 9-13, 2007;


61.  Radu Gabriel Bozomitu, Vlad Cehan, „A Differential CMOS Automatic Gain Control Amplifier”, in Proc. of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISBN 1-4244-0968-3 , Vol. 1, pp. 165-168, Iaşi, Romania, July 12-13, 2007;



     Publicaţii în conferinţe din ţară


1.   G. Marin, A. Haimovici, V. Cehan. “Periodontomeetru mecanic, mijloc obiectiv de apreciere a mobilităţii dentare”, Probleme practice de referate şi comunicări, Culegere de referate şi comunicări, 1975, pp. 157-163


2.      V. Cehan, N.D. Alexandru, “Asupra instalaţiilor de transmisie de date în triaje feroviare”, Sesiunea jubiliară a ICPTT, Bucureşti, 6-12 Mai, 1979, tome 3, pp. 63-70


3.      N.D. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “Convertor de semnal FSK-binar utilizând circuite cu calare defază (PLL) pentru o instalaţie de transmitere cifrică a compunerii trenurilor”, Sesiunea jubiliară a ICPTT, Bucureşti, 6-12 Mai, 1979, tome 3, pp. 71-76


4.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, A. Valachi, “Blocul logic al unei instalaţii pentru transmiterea cifrică a compunerii trenurilor”, Sesiunea jubiliară a ICPTT, Bucureşti, 6-12 Mai, 1979, tome 3, pp. 77-84


5.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “Asupra codării FFSK pentru transmisii digitale cu ajutorul radiotelefoanelor mobile şi/sau portabile pentru gama 25-470 MHz”, Lucrările primului simpozion naţional de radiotelefoane, Iaşi, 1979, pp. 18-19


6.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “Structura staţiei centrale din compunerea ITCCT”, Lucrările sesiunii de comunicări a ICPTT “Cercetarea In transporturi în al 6-lea deceniu de activitate, Bucureşti, 23-25 aprilie 1981, pp. 311-316


7.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, “Asupra blocului de separare a indicativului din staţia centrală a ITCCT”, Lucrările sesiunii de comunicări a ICPTT “Cercetarea In transporturi în al 6-lea deceniu de activitate, Bucureşti, 23-25 aprilie 1981, pp. 317-322


8.      V. Dincescu, V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, “Transmiterea cifrică a compunerii trenurilor folosind staţii radio cu tastatură”, Textele Simpozionului “Insula cibernetică Videle”, Bucureşti, 19-20 mai, 1983, pp. 70-79


9.      D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, P. Cotae, “Sinteza circuitului de decodare pentru coduri biimpuls”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 295-299


10.  D.N. Alexandru, V. Cehan, P. Cotae, “Asupra codării cu 5-6 biţi pentru un sistem de teletransmisie de date pe purtătoare ortogonale”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 299-307


11.  V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, S. Radu, “Utilizarea buclelor cu calare de fază în generatoare de semnale CPFSK”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 307-317


12.  V. Cehan, D.N. Alexandru, S. Radu, “Generarea semnalelor MSK prin sinteza sinusoidei din segmente de dreaptă”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 317-325


13.  S. Lozneanu, V. Cehan, F. Topoliceanu, “Sistem radiometric pentru înregistrarea biopotenţialelor animalelor mici”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 325-326


14.  V. Cehan, S. Radu, “Metode de formare a semnalelor sinusoidale din semnale triunghiulare - studiu comparativ”, Lucrările Simpozionului de tehnologie electronică şi fiabilitate, I.P. Iaşi, 1-3 dec. 1983, pp. 657 – 671


15.  V. Cehan, O expresie analitică a codului bifazic”, Lucrările sesiunii ştiinţifice Inst. Politehnic Iaşi, 16-17 mai 1986, secţia IX, pp. 141-144



     Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare


1.      Studiu tehnico-economic privind introducerea în fabricaţie a radioreceptoarelor cu circuite integrate”, Contract nr. 893/1973.


2.      Radioreceptor MA-MF echipat complet cu circuite integrate” Contract nr. 7369/1975.


3.      Instalaţie pentru transmiterea cifrică a compunerii trenurilor” Contr. nr. 14125/1977, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


4.      Sistem cu microprocesor pentru telemăsura şi telesuprave-gherea temperaturilor şi presiunilor în compartimentul maşini al navelor” Contract nr. 4934/1985, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


5.      Studiu asupra posibilităţilor de transmisie a datelor pe fire pilot în R.T.M. a I.R.E. Suceava” Contract nr. 7997/1987, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


6.      Realizarea unei interfeţe pentru testare şi a rutinelor de transmisie pentru produsul RADT-CA” Contract nr. 773/1989, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


7.      Echipament pentru teletransmisia prin radio a biopotenţialelor” Grant ANSTI nr. 3002/1994, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


8.      Low power radio transmitter and receiver for 40.92MHz band”, Contract 795P/1999, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


9.      Low power radio transmitter and receiver for data transmission in the 433MHz band”, contract nr. 794P/1999, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


10.  Cercetări privind transmisia simultană de date şi audio folosind radioemiţătoare de radiodifuziune cu modulaţie de amplitudine”, contract ANSTI nr. 6177/2000, tema nr. A13, grant ANSTI/CNCSIS 2000 – 2002, Responsabil de contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


11.  Sistem de telecomandă şi control prin radio a întrerupătorilor din staţiile de transformare din reţeaua electrică de medie tensiune”, grant RELANSIN 2003 – 2005, Responsabil stintific: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


12.  "Integrarea aplicatiilor inovative RFID intr-o platforma WEB B2B pentru retelele de aprovizionare ale intreprinderilor RASMEN" (2005 – 2007) grant CEEX, Responsabil contract partener P1: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


13.  Sistem  de  comunicare  cu  persoane  cu  handicap  neuro-locomotor  major − TELPROT”, grant CEEX 2006 - 2008, Coordonator contract: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.


14.  TELEMON – sistem integrat de telemonitorizare in timp real a pacientilor si persoanelor in varsta”, grant CEEX, 2007 – 2010, Responsabil contract partener P1: Vlad Cehan, Universitatea Tehnică “Gh. Asachi” Iaşi.

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